Tuition 2024-25

Tuition Overview:
Annual tuition is divided into monthly installments and is due by the 5th of each month starting in September. For youth division dancers in Pre-Ballet, Level I, II, III & IV, classes meet September 9th through the year-end performance in May and tuition is due in 8 installments September-April. For adult and youth division dancers in Level A, B, C & D, classes meet September 9th-June 27th and tuition is due in 10 installments September-June. The installment due each month is the same regardless of holidays or missed classes.

The tuition for the 2024-25 dance year is:
1 class/week - $60/installment           
2 classes/week - $110/installment
3 classes/week - $160/installment
4 classes/week - $195/installment
5 classes/week - $230/installment
6 classes/week - $255/installment
7 classes/week - $275/installment

Registration Fee: 
To secure a spot in class(es) a non-refundable $20 registration fee per family is required at registration and payable via credit card. Tuition payment is not required at registration, but will be due on September 5th.

Account Statements & Payment Options:
Statements will be sent via email on or before the 1st of each month and tuition is due by the 5th. Tuition can be paid two ways on your BDC Online Portal:

1. ACH (automatic clearing house): The BDC will absorb ALL fees. ACH transactions are processed in a highly secure manner and require your bank routing and account numbers. Feel free to contact us with any questions.

2. Credit Card: You will have to pay a fee of 3.05% and .30 cents per transaction.

**Enrolling in Auto-Pay during registration is highly encouraged**

If annual tuition is paid in full by September 1st a 5% discount, maximum of $50 per family, will be given. Please
email us to process this transaction. We also offer sibling discounts. For each additional family member who enrolls, a 3% discount in tuition will be given to the student(s) with the higher tuition. This discount will be applied after a family registers.

Performance Fees:
Performance fees are NOT considered tuition and will be added to a dancer’s March statement. Performance fees are calculated according to the number of performing classes a dancer is registered for.

Failed Processing Fees: 
A $25.00 fee will be charged for all payments that cannot be processed due to insufficient funds or any other reason.

Cancellation Policy:
When registering, a dancer is committing to the entire dance year and all tuition associated with that year. If for extenuating circumstances a dancer needs to withdraw from classes in the middle of the dance year, we ask that at least one month’s notice be given. Please email us if this situation arises.